Last week, MEM EdTech Solutions had the honor of participating in the exclusive event organized by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency in Zambia, to celebrate World Refugee Day. As the local partner and representative of Tespack,
we were thrilled to engage in discussions that focused on the pivotal role technology can play in supporting and empowering refugees across the region.
During this invite-only event, we had the opportunity to meet with heads of state and representatives from various agencies, sharing insights on how our innovative solutions can contribute to the well-being and future of refugees. Our partnership with Tespack has already made a significant impact in Zambia by providing access to sustainable energy. Through Tespack’s smart mobile micro-grids and proprietary technology, organizations such as Save the Children, Plan International, World Vision International, and Solidaridad Network have been able to conduct workshops, training, and educational activities even in the most remote areas of the country.
As MEM EdTech Solutions, we are particularly proud of our efforts to enhance educational access for children in rural primary schools. With the support of Tespack’s advanced energy solutions, we are working to ensure that these children have better access to educational content, helping to foster a brighter and more promising future.
Looking forward, we are excited about the potential collaborations with UNHCR and other agencies to further expand our impact in Zambia. Whether it’s through our educational initiatives or Tespack’s off-grid energy systems, we see vast opportunities to contribute meaningfully to the lives of refugees and local communities alike.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency Zambia, for the invitation and the platform to showcase our work. We are committed to continuing our efforts and exploring new avenues of collaboration to bring sustainable energy and educational opportunities to those who need them most.
#WorldRefugeeDay #EdTech #SustainableEnergy #FutureOfEducation #UNHCR #MEMEdTechSolutions